Steelwings MOTOFEST 2018

The tradition continues… This year, like every year, MotoFest has come to Tirana with all its magic. This spectacle gathers and invites to join us all lovers of Harley Davidson, motorcycle adventures and rock music safety. Three days of atmosphere, pace, complete and adrenaline.Innovations and surprises for all present throughout the holidays. Don’t miss it, […]
City Break Festival – MF17

We believe that more than anything else, Tirana should offer quality vacations. This reality is difficult to define because the criteria are relativized according to the satisfaction of the individuals and necessarily the diversity and the creative offer are what harmonize a community to make it as positive and solidary as possible.MotoFest 2017 in itself […]
Steelwings MOTOFEST 2018

Tradita vazhdon… Edhe sivjet si çdo vit tashmë vjen në Tiranë me gjithë magjin e tij MotoFest. Ky spektakel mbledh dhe fton të bashkohen me ne të gjithë dashamirësit e Harley Davidson, aventurave me motorra dhe sigurisht muzikës rrok . Tre ditë plotë atmosfer, ritëm, të ftuar dhe adrenalinë.Risitë dhe surprizat do të jenë të […]